Pregnancy and Retinyl Palmitate: What You Need to Know

Retinyl palmitate, a milder derivative of Vitamin A, is often marketed as the gentler cousin to retinol, making it a popular ingredient in numerous skincare products. However, emerging research suggests that even this seemingly benign compound may pose safety risks—most notably during pregnancy. This article delves into these concerns, focusing particularly on the risks associated with the use of retinyl palmitate during pregnancy, as well as other health considerations.

The Lure of Retinyl Palmitate

Long celebrated for its anti-aging properties, retinyl palmitate offers the promise of smoother, more youthful skin. It's commonly included in various skincare products like moisturizers and sunscreens, often considered safer and less irritating than other retinoids.

Known Risks

Skin Irritation

Even though it's a milder form of Vitamin A, retinyl palmitate can still result in skin irritation, including redness, itching, and a burning sensation, particularly for those with...

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