5 Alternatives to Laundry Sheets That Are Better for the Environment

Laundry sheets are a popular and convenient way to do laundry.

These sheets are used in place of traditional liquid or powder detergent and can be simply tossed into the washing machine. However, what many people don't know is that these sheets are actually a major contributor to plastic pollution in our oceans.

Laundry sheets contain a type of plastic called polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is commonly used in water bottles and other plastic products. When these sheets are used in the washing machine, they release small plastic fibers into the water. These fibers can easily pass through wastewater treatment plants and end up in our rivers and oceans.

Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is another type of plastic that is sometimes used in laundry sheets. PVA is a water-soluble polymer that can be used to create thin, clear films. In laundry sheets, PVA is used as a binder to hold the active ingredients together.

While PVA is not as commonly used in laundry sheets as PET, it is still a...

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The Ultimate Clean Beauty Guide: 5 Brands to Know and Love

Clean beauty has become a buzzword in the beauty industry.

As more and more consumers are looking for products that are not only effective but also free from harmful ingredients, it can be confusing which brands can be trusted and which ones have products that actually work!

Clean beauty brands offer a wide range of products that are made with natural, non-toxic ingredients, and they are quickly gaining popularity. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 5 clean beauty brands that you should know about.


Beautycounterthe original clean beauty brand, has made a name for itself in the clean beauty world and is widely considered the LEADER in clean beauty. Their products are made with safe, non-toxic ingredients that are rigorously tested for safety. They offer a wide range of products, from skincare to makeup, and all of their products are free from harmful chemicals such as parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. Beautycounter has banned over...

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National Skincare Education Day

Skincare seems pretty basic right?   Most of us are looking for products that clean our skin and tackle any specific issues we may have.  And there's PLENTY of options to choose from.  The Skincare Industry is a $16.5 billion industry and growing every year.  

With so many lotions and potions on the market it can be hard to know which ones to choose.  Especially when we're trying to find products that will not only do the job, but will also be safer for our health.  I work with women all over the country every day helping them read their product labels and come up with a plan on how to choose the safest, most effective household products that fit their budgets and these are the top 3 ways I recommend to my clients on how to choose safer skincare.

Before I list the 3 ways I suggest to my clients to choose safer, let's talk a little about why this is important.  In the United States, there has not been a major federal law passed in the...

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Beautycounter: The Leader in Clean Beauty + 5 Ingredients to Avoid

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the harmful chemicals and toxins that can be found in many beauty products. Beautycounter is a brand that has been at the forefront of the clean beauty movement for the past 10 years, offering high-performing, safe, and sustainable skincare and cosmetics products. In this blog post, we will explore why Beautycounter is considered the leader in clean beauty, and provide readers with a label reading guide to help them make informed choices when it comes to their skincare and makeup products.

Why Beautycounter is the Leader in Clean Beauty

Founded in 2013, Beautycounter was created with the mission of getting safer products into the hands of everyone. The brand has a strict "Never List" of over 2,800 harmful or questionable ingredients that they vow to never use in their products, including parabens, phthalates, and formaldehyde. They also prioritize sustainability, using eco-friendly packaging and working to reduce their carbon...

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Why You Should Get off the Green Bandwagon & Onto The Clean Bandwagon

Most people assume that green products are a safer option.  And based our experience with organic foods, they really should be.  But unfortunately, what's not common knowledge is, those green terms like "organic" & "natural" that we have come to rely upon for choosing our food don't actually carry over to our household products.  

Due to the lack of regulation in these industry's that create our household products (for example, the Personal Care Industry hasn't had an update to the laws governing it since 1938), companies are taking advantage of the "Green Wave" we are on in food to market to consumers.  So these buzzwords do not necessarily mean that the products we are buying are actually safe. 

So what exactly is CLEAN and why should you start shifting towards these products instead of choosing green products?  

To make it a bit easier to understand, I've broken it down to 3 major factors that you should consider when...

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Natural Skin care Products - Are They Safe?

Did you know that some of the most POPULAR natural skin care products on the market still contain toxic chemicals?

Does that surprise you?  Would you continue to use them knowing they contain ingredients linked to asthma, allergies & cancer? Most people assume that natural skin care products are safer for health, but that unfortunately is not always the case.

Many of us look to trusted brands to help us make purchasing decisions in our home. From the laundry detergent that we use to the personal care products we choose. We trust companies to provide us with products that work but that also protect our health and the health of our families. 

And in reality, most people don’t even think of the safety part… it’s just a given… we believe products we buy in the store or online, especially NATURAL skin care products, are not going to harm our health.

In this day and age of “organic” & “natural”...

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Is Talc Really Bad For You?

What's the deal with talc? Is it safe? Is it not safe?

I get asked this question almost every week by my clients. It's easy to understand why everyone is so concerned with talc with so many lawsuits these last few years concerning talc being in baby powder and causing ovarian cancer

But, you might be surprised to hear that talc on its own is actually not dangerous.  It's the asbestos that commonly contaminates talc that is the problem.  

How do you know if talc is asbestos free?

It's pretty straight forward.  Most talc on the market has a high likelihood of being contaminated with asbestos.  There are some manufacturers who are making certified free talc, so if you have a hard time finding a talc-free alternative, call the company to see if their talc is certified asbestos free.

Why do companies use talc?

Talc is extremely absorbent, so it's widely used in baby powders, blushes and powder foundations.  Some companies are looking to...

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