Diving Deeper into Sunscreen: Safeguarding your Skin and the Sea

As the mercury rises and summer days beckon us outdoors, the importance of sunscreen cannot be overstated.

However, the choice of sunscreen goes beyond merely safeguarding our skin from harmful rays. Research has found that common sunscreen ingredients, including oxybenzone, octinoxate, parabens, and synthetic fragrances, are not only potential health hazards for us but can also cause significant harm to aquatic life.

Here, we'll explore the impact of these chemicals on our oceans and marine life and recommend five safer, environmentally friendly sunscreens that are free of these harmful substances.
Why the Fuss Over Sunscreen Ingredients?

Oxybenzone and Octinoxate: These chemicals are effective in absorbing harmful UVA and UVB rays but have been found to seep into the bloodstream, leading to potential hormonal disruptions and allergic reactions.

Parabens: These preservatives are suspected of interfering with hormone function by mimicking estrogen. Alarmingly, traces of parabens...

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The Top 5 Trends in Clean Beauty for 2023: What Experts are Saying

As the clean beauty industry continues to grow, experts are predicting several trends that will shape the industry in 2023.

Here are the top 5 trends in clean beauty that experts are excited about:

Sustainable Packaging

Sustainability has become a key concern for consumers, and experts predict that sustainable packaging will be a major trend in 2023. Brands will explore new ways to reduce packaging waste, such as using recycled materials, biodegradable packaging, and refillable options.

Probiotics for Skin Care

Probiotics have been making waves in the beauty industry, and experts predict that this trend will continue in 2023. Probiotics have been shown to promote healthy skin by strengthening the skin barrier, reducing inflammation, and balancing the skin's microbiome. Look out for probiotic-infused cleansers, serums, and moisturizers.

CBD Beauty Products

CBD has been gaining popularity in the health and wellness industry, and experts predict that it will make its way into the...

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Clean Beauty: 6 Sustainable Brands You Need to Know

As consumers, we have the power to make a positive impact on the environment and society by choosing to support sustainable beauty brands.

These brands prioritize ethics and sustainability in their practices, which can make a significant difference in reducing waste, protecting the environment, and promoting fair trade. 

Here are 6 sustainable beauty brands that are making a difference:
100% Pure

By using safer ingredients and more eco-friendly packaging, 100% Pure is able to create high-quality skincare and makeup products that are both effective and sustainable. They use glass, aluminum, and other materials that are recyclable, and they avoid using plastic whenever possible. Additionally, they use soy-based inks and other sustainable printing materials for their labels and packaging.

Herbivore Botanicals

Herbivore Botanicals' commitment to safe ingredients and sustainable packaging makes them a great option for those looking for clean and sustainable skincare...

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The Ultimate Clean Beauty Guide: 5 Brands to Know and Love

Clean beauty has become a buzzword in the beauty industry.

As more and more consumers are looking for products that are not only effective but also free from harmful ingredients, it can be confusing which brands can be trusted and which ones have products that actually work!

Clean beauty brands offer a wide range of products that are made with natural, non-toxic ingredients, and they are quickly gaining popularity. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 5 clean beauty brands that you should know about.


Beautycounterthe original clean beauty brand, has made a name for itself in the clean beauty world and is widely considered the LEADER in clean beauty. Their products are made with safe, non-toxic ingredients that are rigorously tested for safety. They offer a wide range of products, from skincare to makeup, and all of their products are free from harmful chemicals such as parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. Beautycounter has banned over...

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National Skincare Education Day

Skincare seems pretty basic right?   Most of us are looking for products that clean our skin and tackle any specific issues we may have.  And there's PLENTY of options to choose from.  The Skincare Industry is a $16.5 billion industry and growing every year.  

With so many lotions and potions on the market it can be hard to know which ones to choose.  Especially when we're trying to find products that will not only do the job, but will also be safer for our health.  I work with women all over the country every day helping them read their product labels and come up with a plan on how to choose the safest, most effective household products that fit their budgets and these are the top 3 ways I recommend to my clients on how to choose safer skincare.

Before I list the 3 ways I suggest to my clients to choose safer, let's talk a little about why this is important.  In the United States, there has not been a major federal law passed in the...

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Beautycounter: The Leader in Clean Beauty + 5 Ingredients to Avoid

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the harmful chemicals and toxins that can be found in many beauty products. Beautycounter is a brand that has been at the forefront of the clean beauty movement for the past 10 years, offering high-performing, safe, and sustainable skincare and cosmetics products. In this blog post, we will explore why Beautycounter is considered the leader in clean beauty, and provide readers with a label reading guide to help them make informed choices when it comes to their skincare and makeup products.

Why Beautycounter is the Leader in Clean Beauty

Founded in 2013, Beautycounter was created with the mission of getting safer products into the hands of everyone. The brand has a strict "Never List" of over 2,800 harmful or questionable ingredients that they vow to never use in their products, including parabens, phthalates, and formaldehyde. They also prioritize sustainability, using eco-friendly packaging and working to reduce their carbon...

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